Sunday, March 14, 2010



Imagine if you will - you are a writer. 

awritercomestocall by Don Ford 


Escritura | No Ficción

I hope some of the new folks on here are helped in some small measure by my scribblings. You other pros can take some time off - you won't need to read this - you have already arrived at the pinnacle of your successes. LOL Cheers! 

HOW to become a WRITER: 

In these times we live in, it would be good to have a bit of extra cash to fall back on. Folks are losing jobs all around us; and we could be next. Also, who wants to work hard labor after you retire. Why not sit down at a typewriter or computer and earn money to supplement those retirement years by selling a story or two. 


Things You'll Need: 

The get up and go to get up and get going - they say. ENTHUSIASM should be in the equation also. IMAGINATION will take you a long way on your journey too. Start with a STICK-TO-IT philosophy as the main ingredient. 


How to start writing, only requires a pen or pencil and a piece of paper or a napkin. When an idea comes to mind, be prepared to write it down on whatever is available to you - even your shirt sleeve. Great thoughts will come and go, and we need to always be ready to pen them down. You are a writer from the time you pen your first piece. Now say to yourself : I am a writer. Say it to yourself at first and then start telling others. Soon they will say it about you. "John, over there, is a writer." 


Start a library of your work. Keep poems with poems, and stories with stories. Build up an inventory of your work. You never know when you may be called upon to show and tell some of your writings. Join with other groups of writers for critique purposes, and find a mentor or two to work with you to answer questions you may have about the whole of the writing life. I have three across the world. One near me on the East coast, another out West, and a third in Australia. You can never have enough friends, or mentors in this case. 


Begin to send your work out to publications for possible sales. Match what you are interested in, or knowledgeable about, and get it out there. Don't let rejection slips discourage you. You will eat a peck of dirt before you die, it is also said. Follow the simple rules for sending out your pieces, by sending just what the magazine calls for. If it asks for up to 500 words, more is not better. Guidelines will show you the way. So keep your piece within the borders of the word count, and stay on topic with their readership. 


Your goal is to get that first paid story or poem out there. Start small, if you have to, in order to get your work published in the first place. Go to your local newspapers and offer a piece you have researched. My guess is they might take it, but usually until you send a few, they will not pay for them. Eventually, if they liked your past works, you can pitch the idea of being paid at a later date. Human interest stories about your life are an easy sell to magazines looking for personal interest pieces. Remember, these are the easiest to sell, so why not start sharing stories about your life right now, if you haven't before. Your first paying piece will be your right of passage into the writer's world and you will have an easier time convincing an editor to let you on board, once you sell that first piece. 

Tips & Warnings 

Never give up, as you begin on your journey along the writer's path. I began by pitching a story about recycling to my local paper. They liked the idea, and took my picture, and placed my article right away. No, I didn't get paid, but there I was in living color looking like a real writer (First time writer) in my local paper. I could almost hear relatives and friends saying, "Hey, did you know Don was a writer?" Cheers! P.S. I almost forgot to say GOOD LUCK! 

P.S. Since the penning of this piece I have been added to the rolls of the unemployed. Don't worry, I still have my sense of humor to carry me along, when there is time to squeeze it in between the flood of tears. LOL Cheers! 

Where eagles Soar, 

Don (Greywolf) 

Notas de autor
More good news: The editor looking at your piece, that is being considered for publication, can not accept or reject it on the basis of race, or creed, or the fact that you are tall or short, in a wheel chair, or writing from another world. LOL Myself, I prefer living between the Twilight Zone and the Outer Limits. Cheers, Don

RESPONSE TO: awritercomestocall



Your writing has such an uplifting tone, Don. You encourage others to persevere through rough paths and bumpy roads. 

The 4 steps you have displayed are full of great advice and energize the reader to get off their bums and at least take the first step. 

Actually, you gave a fifth step - never give up! 

Great advice, told in a way that inspires the reader to keep on truckin'. ;) 

I enjoyed this, Don. Great work. 


 Comentario escrito 26-07-2009

respuesta por el autor en 26-Jul-2009

Thank you for a kinder than kind review. Stop back my friend. Cheers, Don


Directrices para la respuesta


Premier Author

Calificación poeta


Autor Calificación de corta Obras


Examen Estrellas


4 nominados restante

17 Días restante.




Excellent information well written. I wish you the best of luck, and you are in my prayers with job hunting. Really hard times. So far, I am lucky (with pay cuts and furloughs-but I have a job). This is a very good check list for all of us aspiring to the trade.

 Comentario escrito 26-07-2009

respuesta por el autor en 26-Jul-2009

Albeit, a quickie list to be sure, but the bones of the greater structure. More could be added later by each writer in their own unique experience, Thanks for stopping by, Cheers, Don

Directrices para la respuesta


Premier Author

Premier Reader


Autor Calificación de corta Obras


Autor Calificación Para Novelas



4 nominados restante

17 Días restante.




Basic helpful advice for anyone wanting to write. Offering up stories for the local paper is a good one, especially if you live in a really small town like I do (pop 550). The local paper is always looking for articals. 

Comentario escrito 26-07-2009

respuesta por el autor en 26-Jul-2009

A liked that they put my picture in with my recycling story and it ran opposite a college professor speaking on a similar topic, the bottle law. Cheers. Thanks for stopping by. Don


  1. You are a very modest person Don. I have read your poetry and stories. I took your advice and proved you
    correct, you are one modest writer.

    Please write some more about Daisy the cat and her three dog friends.

    I remember your poem about the Moon what a beautiful
    poem that was.

    Continued success.

    Holly (Dublin, Ireland)

  2. That cat Daisy is nothin' but trouble. She rolls those eyes and gets right down into the middle of your heart. How can anyone say no to her. If you missed the story about Daisy that was published at www.Floyd the Go there and sign up to be a member and you can read all three of my stories that are archived there. Nov. 2009 story - "Three Friends", then the Feb. 2010 story - "Combined Operation" (Daisy the cat is the hero here), and the latest story I wrote that won first place for May 2010, "Spirit Wolf". By joining this Portuguese Book Club with members spread out over 50 countries, you will receive the newest animal story at the first of each month.

    Cheers, Don
